Sustainable Solutions: The Rise of Bio-Based Pest Control Materials

Pests can cause damage to buildings and sites, spread diseases, and contaminate food. Monitoring helps you identify the type and number of pests, enabling you to decide whether Colonial Pest Control is necessary.

Nematodes use naturally occurring soil microorganisms to suppress insect populations. However, they have a short shelf life and require specific conditions to work.


pest control

Dusters are aerosol cans that deliver a pressurized blast to dislodge dust and dirt. They are a convenient replacement for compressed air lines on a production line, or a way to blow out biscuit crumbs from a computer keyboard or clean critical optical apertures in a PCB assembly or repair operation. Retail duster cans typically contain propane or butane (the same stuff as in your Bic lighter), while industrial brands use HFC-152a, which is safer and cleaner.
Pest control dusters are essential tools used in various pest management applications, offering efficient and targeted application of pesticides, dusts, and other control agents. These devices come in different shapes, sizes, and designs, but they all serve the common purpose of dispersing pest control substances effectively. One of the primary advantages of pest control dusters is their ability to reach inaccessible areas where pests may hide, such as cracks, crevices, voids, and other tight spaces. This ensures thorough coverage and maximizes the effectiveness of pest control treatments.

The versatility of pest control dusters makes them suitable for both indoor and outdoor pest management tasks. Whether it’s controlling crawling insects like ants and cockroaches in residential buildings or targeting pests in agricultural fields and industrial facilities, dusters offer precision application with minimal waste and environmental impact. Furthermore, some dusters are designed for specific types of pest control applications, such as dusting powders for bee and wasp nest treatments or diatomaceous earth for bed bug control.

Pest control dusters vary in their operation mechanisms, with options ranging from manual dusters to powered dusters. Manual dusters typically rely on hand-operated pumps or squeeze bulbs to dispense control agents, making them suitable for smaller-scale applications and spot treatments. On the other hand, powered dusters utilize compressed air, battery, or electric motors to deliver controlled doses of pesticides or dusts over larger areas quickly and efficiently. These powered dusters are often preferred for commercial and agricultural pest control operations due to their speed and productivity.

Proper calibration and maintenance of pest control dusters are crucial for ensuring accurate application rates and optimal performance. Regular cleaning and inspection of duster components, such as nozzles, hoses, and reservoirs, help prevent clogs, leaks, and malfunctions that can compromise treatment efficacy. Additionally, calibration tests should be conducted periodically to verify the consistency and accuracy of pesticide delivery, especially when using powered dusters. By following manufacturer guidelines and best practices, pest control professionals can maximize the effectiveness of dusters and achieve superior results in pest management efforts.

Foaming Equipment

Foaming equipment uses air, water and chemical concentrate to create a wet, clinging foam that can be used for cleaning and firefighting. The foam helps the chemical solution soak into and cling to surfaces for longer, improving wetting and removal of caked-on grit. It also helps users more clearly see which areas have already been treated to prevent over-application and potential contamination. Foam can also be projected at lower pressures than liquid spray, allowing it to be used on more sensitive surfaces.

The type of foaming equipment needed depends on the cleaning objectives and chemical properties. Foam cleaning systems are available in a range of sizes and configurations, including portable units and wall-mounted systems. These systems use an air-operated diaphragm pump that draws and pressurizes pre-diluted chemical solution from a tank integrated into the cart or a customer-supplied stationary tank. The system then dispenses the foam by way of a hose, wand and nozzle to any surface up to 15 feet away.

Class A foaming agents are a biodegradable mixture that when mixed correctly with water can change the wetting and spreading characteristics of the water. This increases the penetration into and clinging to of the cleaning chemical, reducing the time required for cleaning. Foaming agents also reduce the amount of residual solvent left behind, extending the time it takes for the contaminant to evaporate.

Foam can be used to clean a wide range of surfaces, and it is particularly effective in removing oil, grease and fats from equipment. It can be applied to hard-to-reach corners and crevices, where it creeps along the surface, soaking into dirt and oil until it is washed away with the rest of the wash solution.

In a firefighting application, foam is used to extinguish hydrocarbon fuels by blocking the oxygen supply to the fire and creating a thick blanket that engulfs the flames and cools them down. Foam is available in a number of densities, and the type of nozzle used to apply the foam will determine its effectiveness against different fuel types. For example, high-density foam is better suited for fuels that tend to burn hotter, while low-density foam can be used for lighter fuels.


The most specialized piece of personal protective equipment is the respirator. When working with pesticides, they are required when a risk of exposure cannot be eliminated by engineering controls (for example changing the chemical or using less hazardous pesticide) or administrative controls (for example requiring that workers wear PPE and follow other work practices to prevent exposure). Respirators protect from breathing in air contaminated by the pesticide and can save lives and reduce medical expenses. The type of respirator needed will depend on the specific product formulation, toxicity and application. Details of which types are appropriate for specific chemicals will be provided on the pesticide label.

The respirator must be selected and fitted properly to ensure that it is worn correctly, thereby offering the desired protection. Whenever possible, the user should be trained to use and maintain the respirator properly.

Those who must use a respirator should also be familiar with the pesticide label and its supplemental information on personal protective equipment. The supplemental information will explain the type of respirator that is required and the level of protection offered. This information will help users determine whether a mask is suitable for the specific task and provide guidance on how to select and use it properly.

For instance, the label will describe if a mask is required for mixing or loading, and what types of PPE are necessary for each of these activities. Similarly, the label will also usually list different PPE requirements for spraying overhead and at ground level. The PPE requirements that are listed on a pesticide label are the legal requirement to be followed by pesticide applicators.

The PPE required for spraying overhead will include a chemical-resistant hat or hood, as well as a face shield. A wide-brimmed hat is preferred because it provides more coverage and may help reduce spray drift and the amount of pesticide that gets into the eyes, ears and nose. If a face shield is required, it should be easy to adjust and should offer anti-fog and scratch-resistant coatings. In addition, it should be lightweight, provide UV protection and cover the entire head.

Specialized Equipment

Specialized equipment is defined as machinery or equipment used for a unique service or to produce a specific good. It is usually a one-time purchase and cannot be reimbursable on an annual basis. The cost of specialized equipment can be reduced by using a contracted provider or by buying it directly. Do “special” and “specialized” mean the same thing? If not, what is the difference?

Please ask your case manager for a list of approved specialized equipment providers.